Cancerous Technology?

Image: Boy Sleeping With Electronic Products
Many people use their phones and other electronics before they fall asleep. They scroll through their social media, watch hours of YouTube or Netflix, or use Snapchat to catch up with friends. However, using your smart electronics before falling asleep is quite dangerous. This not only may keep you up all night long, but it can also allow you to fall asleep with your cell phone right beside you. Sleeping with your cellular device close to your head may seem harmless at first, but in actuality, this can impose some serious health effects for you and I both.

According to the California Department of Public Health, “sleeping with your phone in your bed, or near your head, could increase the risk of brain cancer”. Using your phone before falling asleep is something we all tend to do. We all want some down time before going to bed, so we look to use our electronic devices. Many times, we then mindlessly fall asleep while using these devices. Many times, we even purposely place our charging systems right near our beds for easy access. It is a common phenomenon that is causing us great risk.

Nevertheless, this common phenomenon still can lead to an increased risk of brain cancer. Smart phones, iPads, and laptops are constantly working at night. They are being charged, receiving notifications, texts, and other alerts. Even if you are sleeping, your technology is not. As your phone works at night, it continues to release radio frequency as they receive and send information from near-by cell towers. Because of the radio frequency emitted by our smart phones, certain scientists believe that this high energy could lead to “tumors of the acoustic nerve and salivary glands”.

Although there are current studies saying that the long-term exposure to radio frequency may cause health risks amongst us humans, there is also not enough information to fully prove this correlation. The repercussions of smart phone placement at night needs to be further examined for longer periods of time to completely tell whether or not the radio frequency is truly hazardous.

But just to be safe, the California guidance has suggested that we should still look to reduce our overall exposure to this radio frequency. And I don’t know about you, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

Image: Mac, iPhone, iPad
I personally fall asleep with all my smart devices near my bed, as well. I have my iPad charging on my night stand, my laptop charging near my bed, and my phone charging right next to my laptop. Since the effects of radio frequency emitted through smart phones is seen causing harmful health effects on us, I would only imagine adding an iPad and laptop would increase these detrimental effects. This is something that I need to change – something we all need to change.

In addition to brain cancer, the energy from our smart phones and other electronics may also lead to lower sperm counts or an increased number of inactive sperm, more headaches, and negative effects on learning, memory, behavior, hearing, and overall sleep. Sleeping next to technology seems to pose many injurious effects on our bodies. Yet, many of us still continue to use them before falling asleep. It is a habit we cannot seem to easily quit.

We use smart electronics every day. They are glued to our hands during the day and even at night. Although overall exposure to our smart phones and products at night may cause brain cancer, inactive sperm, and other horrible health effects, at the end of the day, cell phones and other smart electronics will continue to prevail. But, why? When will we ever realize the harmful effects these devices have on our bodies – both physiologically and mentally? Will we continue to ignore these posing threats and keep on using this cancerous technology 24 hours a day?

After all, for many of us, our smart phones and other electronic devices are basically our life lines. They can do everything and anything in the matter of a few minutes or even a few seconds. These powerful devices connect us with family and friends with a click of a button; they can help us Google our dire questions with a touch of the screen.

We have to learn when to draw the line. We have to understand that the constant use of electronics, especially at night, will impose serious health issues for us in the long run. But this will only come to our realization with a matter of time.


  1. Wow, I knew that there had been studies done linking having your phone up against your body could be harmful, but I had never heard that if it's charging by your bed it could still be harmful! I know for me it's always next to my bed because I use it as an alarm clock in the morning. This definitely makes me think about moving it much further from my bed in the future.

  2. I didn’t know that sleeping with my phone nearby might be able cause cancer! But, I feel that we might need more studies and information to say this concretely. This idea certainly brings up many questions in my mind, though. For one, what is a safe distance to sleep from your phone? How frequently can you sleep near your phone before it become harmful? For instance, I don’t have any outlets near my bed, but in the morning after my alarm has gone off once, I generally unplug my phone and snooze with it next to me (so the next alarm is extra loud). Is this half hour each day enough to be concerning?

  3. Emily, it is a terribly bad habit of mine, but I sleep with my phone in my bed too. I find myself getting headaches when I wake up and I have a lot of trouble falling asleep. In the beginning of the semester, I was putting my phone by my desk and I felt a lot better. I just don't think about it any more, and I've been staying up late doing homework so I keep falling asleep with my phone in my bed. I would rather be safe than sorry too, so I want to make a conscious effort to keep my phone out of my bed.

  4. I have heard a few studies like this before about brain cancer and some about breast cancer when carrying a phone in a bra. But I had no idea that there were so many other health issues related to phones like inactive sperm or negative effects on cognitive processes! I feel like most people will tend to ignore these statistics because ignorance is bliss but eventually if there were hard evidence supporting these claims, I'm sure some people would change their habits.

  5. I know about how dangerous phone radiation could be. My mom reads those articles on Facebook and takes those warnings from news reports about it very seriously. Around her I am never allowed to have my phone in my pocket let alone even near me as I'm going to bed. Now I have gotten into the habit if I see any of my friends put their phones in their bras or on their side (if they are wearing leggings and don't have pockets).

  6. Hi Emily! I am shook. I knew that there were negative effects to sleeping with my phone, but I just ignored them because it seems like no matter what you do, cancer and disease are looming in the future. However, you brought out facts that I just couldn't ignore. I had no idea that brain cancer was relevant in this situation and it's scary. As for men, a lack of functioning sperm must be terrifying. Just thinking of the amount of people this affects frightens me. I'm scared to see what the future holds in terms of medicine.

    I do think its interesting that despite me knowing all of these facts, I will probably sleep with my phone again tonight, not unlike most people. Why do we ignore the detriments doing this can cause? We are addicted... yikes. Great post!!!!

  7. Have you ever wondered what the generations before us ever did without phones? What did our parents and grandparents do during they day when they couldn't scroll through social media feed? Did they actually go out into the world and find these social updates by actually being social?!

    It is amazing to think of how dependent our generation is on technology. The idea that we have to sleep with our phones in hand or near us is almost frightening. Not to mention the fact that we all seem to need our phones to survive the day. From personal experience, I can't remember the last time I went an entire day without checking my phone. The funny aspect is that there are days when my phone sometimes has no purpose. I can easily walk to classes without having to listen to music because there is a great big world out there to listen to and watch as I walk. I can definitely walk to the dining hall to grab dinner without needing my phone because I am not planning on accepting a phone call in the middle of meal with friends. There are definitely times when my phone is not necessary, and considering all of the possible health risks you mentioned, Emily, I now have that many more reasons to sometimes just go off the grid for a day.


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